For more pictures from the conference, click HERE.
It still has not been one week since I’ve been in Kenya, but it feels like it has been much longer. I suppose it has to do with adjusting to culture, weather, time, and the busy schedule our team has been on with the pastors’ conference in Mtwapa. I arrived late Monday night and slept and slept and slept. Tuesday was the first day of the conference, which I missed. So the last few days have been spent like so: wake up at 6 or 6:30 am, leave at 7 am, arrive in Mtwapa at 7:30-7:45 and spend the whole day there until 4 pm or so. Each day of the conference had a morning sermon from Gayman Helman on discipleship, a question/answer session with Dennis, a sermon from Dennis, question / answer session, lunch, and more question / answer. Gayman spoke about discipleship and the importance of retaining and guarding sound doctrine & Dennis spoke about the process of church development, marriage, and many other important things during the question/answer times.
This has been a really good time for me to learn more about Kenyan Christianity and the problems within the Kenyan church. There is a lot of accepted heresy around Kenya, much of it imported from the American heretics of the prosperity gospel. I knew this before, but it is a different thing to see it. One of my favorite things that Pastor Chiro said, the man who organized the conference and provided the tea and food (which is UNHEARD of in Kenya especially if there are Americans in attendance), was that if Paul or Peter were alive today, they would not go to church, or at least they would not go to our churches because they would be so appalled by the false teaching. He then said, “I’ve even been to a meeting where it began by locking the devil up and putting him in the corner of the church. Everyone was cheering that the devil was locked up in the corner and they were so happy and excited. But what is the devil doing in the church! They are excited that the devil is in their church!” Chiro is a great man with a great heart. Dennis only recently met him, but he has been teaching BTCP classes in the area for 7 years. He loves the word of God and desires God-centered churches in Kenya.
I got to speak once for about 15 minutes. The night before Dennis asked me to look into Melchizedek and who he is especially as it relates to Hebrews 7:3 where it says that he has no father or mother. I did some research and prepared a small talk. It went very well and everyone seemed so appreciative to hear the answer I gave (which was from commentaries, research, and study notes). If I did not have those resources I honestly don’t think I would have been able to come up with the answer I gave – especially the part about the ancient Jewish interpretive principle that what is not written or recorded is treated as not existing. Resources. I got it from resources. Teaching is all about education & resources and then communicating those things clearly to others that do not know. Many of the pastors simply do not have the resources or education that we have. If you were a pastor who had to preach every Sunday, how well would you interpret the Bible if all you EVER had were the words themselves? I’m sure it would be pretty decent, but surely your culture, tradition, and experience would be a large obstacle to getting it right, as it is for everyone. But the more we are able to study and hear other’s views on topics, the more we are able to filter the truth away from those obstacles to correctly understanding the Scriptures.
The Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 is asked by Philip, “Do you understand what you are reading?” and the eunuch replied, “How can I unless someone explains it to me?” This is the ministry of Serve, to explain to those that have been given the role and responsibility of explaining to others. These pastors and church leaders have the responsibility to teach and preach the truth of the Word of God, yet for many of them, no one has explained it to them or trained them how to read, interpret, and apply the Scripture correctly. Think about the massive amount of resources even a small pastor in America has. The regular pastor in Kenya does not have those things: no commentaries, no background studies, no word studies, no podcasts, many not even a capable mentor. I’m excited to be a part of this ministry because there is great need here and we have great abundance in the area of knowledge. IT MUST BE SHARED. It must.
Paul warned the Romans of the heresy to come:
I urge you, brothers, to watch out or those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naïve people. Many of these heresies come from Kenya’s own culture and traditions, but many of the new heresies come from America. I’m starting to wonder if we as American Christians ought to take responsibility in correcting the heresies that have been birthed out of our own country’s greed and self-serving deception of the naïve people who seek relief in this difficult world. Pray for Kenya, for Serve, and all the other Pastor Chiro’s in Kenya who are seeking doctrine, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness through the inspired word of God (2 Tim 3:16).
Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him – to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Rom 16:25-27).
Keep on rocking the Logos. I appreciate the updates. We have decided to go to Chicago in September - for a while (year +).
Is there a "best Radiohead album" from the last, say, five years?
I am listening to music again.
I pray you have the presence of mind to be confident when it is not natural, and broken when you could stand in your competence.
To the people who left a comment on here above me - I love all the old Radiohead stuff. After Kid A - it was never the same...but I've heard Hail to Thief was good.
Anyway - to you, Ben, I love the picture of the man in the chair laughing. All people should laugh like that - it looked so pure and authentic. I love it. The joy of the Lord is an amazing thing to behold.
Keep on going man - it sounds like there are some amazing things in store during this trip - at the very least, you will have many things to contemplate!
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