Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Poem on Missions from a Friend

Go to the people,
Live among them,
Learn from them,
Start with what they know,
Build on what they have.

But of the best leaders, when their work is done, the people will all remark,

"we have done it ourselves."

That sounds great. Pray with me that I might actually know how to do this through God's grace and enabling in my life.


Emily said...

That's a great poem. And a great prayer, too! Hope all is well for you in Kenya.

Melissa Rowe Smith said...

love this.
I am laughing outloud right now too because I have experienced this first hand today.
I got sick & my muslim bhurmese neighbor, Mimaw, found out about it and came over to rub my feet, hands, back, clean my kitchen, bring me water, etc. etc. So who is ministering to who?