A typhoon had temporarily stranded a monkey on an island. In a secure, protected place on the shore, while waiting for the raging waters to recede, he spotted a fish swimming against the current. It seemed obvious to the monkey that the fish was struggling and in need of assistance. Being of kind heart, the monkey resolved to help the fish. A tree precariously dangled over the very spot where the fish seemed to be struggling. At considerable risk to himself, the monkey moved far out on a limb, reached down and snatched the fish from the threatening waters. Immediately scurrying back to the safety of his shelter, he carefully laid the fish on dry ground. For a few moments the fish showed excitement, but soon settled into a peaceful rest. Joy and satisfactions swelled inside the monkey. He had successfully helped another creature.This story comes out of Duane Elmer's book Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility.

Along with that class, MTI has been going strong this semester. We are in the middle of the Protestant Reformation in Church History which is appropriate since tomorrow is REFORMATION DAY (a.k.a. Halloween). We are trying to understand English and Greek grammar in New Testament Exegesis of Epistles, but often failing - grammar is a language of its own. And we are priveleged to read and study the New Testament in a survey class. All in all, things are great and I cannot believe that in six weeks I will graduate from the Missions Training Institute! Craziness.
Plus! Great news. Several new people joined my financial support team putting me at around 40%! Praise God for His provision!
Thanks for reading, praying, giving, and loving!
1 comment:
Can you please tell me where the image of the Monkey & Fish came from? It is a great painting.
Thank you!
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