From a couple of peoples recommendations, I listened to a sermon by Mark Driscoll on the Emerging Church. For those of you like me who are just now learning about this important issue, Driscoll was actually a part of the original members that led the movement that is now labeled Emergent, but left the movement early on when he recognized his friends were questioning things that the Bible does not question but states as clear fact: Is there a hell? Does the Bible call homosexuality sin? Did Jesus really raise from the dead?
Driscoll has an insight to the movement beyond many people because of his involvement and even friendships with some of the spokesmen for the movement. This allows Driscoll to proclaim what is heretical but to do it with humility and with a deep love and sorrow for his friends who are teaching it.
Click here: Scroll down to "Mars Hill Church and The Emerging Church". You can listen online or right (ctrl) click and save the link to get the Mp3.
have you downloaded any of his new sermons? he started a new series a few weeks ago on Doctrine... i've listened to the first two while i'm at work and they're SOOO good. PACKED with truth and tons of Scripture...of course they're an hour+ long, but worth the time. check em out :-)
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